January 8, 2010

UGH! Well, my last entry was in June and a lot of drama has happened since then.  I am saddly back up to 205. =(  I have been on a mth binge fest. Lets just say...this New Year started off bad...really bad. SO, I am starting yet once again!  I've done this before(like a dozen times,lol) and I can do it once again...and hopefully for good!!! =)  It's just amazing, after reading my past entires, how dertemined I always am....its so hard still!lol

 This is a picture of my family at Sea World Dec 09.  We had a blast!!

Below is me at Laugua beach this Dec. Weighing around 195. 

This was a Halloween party "in wonderland" hosted by Hannah my bestie ...Oct 09.  =)  So, here I am with my best girls....weighing about 183.   

This next picture below was the first picture taken in the new year. I'm with Mari & Erin two of my best friends.  I look as big as both of them together!! This picture was my "'holy cow I'm fat again" moment!!!  At least it has inspired me!lol Mike & I joined In Shape gym and will start on monday!! I will be weighing in on tue mornings....BL style!! =) 

SO...my goal for this month is just too keep on track.  Keep moving, eating well & staying focused! I want to be 189 by February. I can't believe I put on 20lbs over the hoiday(like in 2 wks!) but I am gonna get it off =)  I want to remind myself a few things....

1. NOTHING taste as good as being thin feels! SO TRUE!

2. A few seconds of Yummy on the lips...a lifetime of fat on the hips! hehe

3. My family needs me to stay healthy!

4. I LOVE it when I can put on anything...and feel good in it!

5. Being overweight &/or stuffed is miserable!!

6. I love being around people when I'm thin & healthy...not when I'm fat

7. REMEMBER to always start fresh each day!!!!!!! Not to wait till "mon"!

I am also following a famos star, Sara Rue, who just signed on with Jenny Craig . She has lost & gained weight lots of times like me. I posted some of her before & after's that were taken a couple of years ago. She reached her goal...and then like me, gained it back.


So...I joined Jenny Craig!!! YAY for me =)  Now I can really follow Sara Rue!LOL  I weighed Jan 18th at 211!!! EEEEK! BUt.....today the 25th I weighed in at 202! SO moving in the right direction =)
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